Support Casa Linda Estates Neighborhood Association

Become a Newsletter or Directory Sponsor

Casa Linda Estates Neighborhood Association Sponsor Opportunities
Casa Linda Estates Newsletter Sponsorship
Advertise your services to over 600 CLENA members by purchasing up to a year's worth of ads in our monthly newsletter. All ads also include a sponsor Facebook post for that month!
Sponsorship options: 
$65 - 1 Ad 
$120 - 2 Ads
$600 - 12 Ads (Best Value)
Casa Linda Estates Event Sponsorship
CLENA hosts various neighborhood events including Easter Egg Hunt, Chili Cook-Off, and Christmas Party, to name a few. Please contact us for more info and to sign up!
Casa Linda Estates Directory Sponsorship
Purchase an Ad on the front or back inside cover and remain forever in print when a CLENA member looks up a neighbor.
Sponsorship options:
$100 - 1/4 Page Ad
$150 - 1/2 Page Ad
$200 - Front Inside Cover
$250 - Back Cover
Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to discuss. We'd love to promote your business!
*Sponsorship approval is required for all advertisers and ads. An association representative will confirm sponsorship ads before printing.
We appreciate your interest and support in our wonderful Casa Linda Estates neighborhood!
Thank you for supporting Casa Linda Estates Neighborhood Association!
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