Support Casa Linda Estates Neighborhood Association

Expanded Security Program

12/27/2024 to 12/12/2025
Please join us in establishing the Casa Linda Estates
Expanded Security Program
The Casa Linda Estates Security Program will:
  • Enlist off-duty uniformed officers in DPD vehicles to patrol our streets in 4-hour shifts
  • Track crime stats and trends to determine the best hours to patrol 
  • Provide weekly patrols and officer attendance at CLENA events
  • Provide Home Watch Service in which officers check the homes of participants when they're away. 
  • Educate residents about security and safety
  • Lower crime rates and enhance property values
Annual cost is a voluntary donation of $450 per household or $1,000 for ESP Founder Level
which includes a Founders-Only event this spring and acknowledgement in CLENA communications. 
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